Hardware de top pentru un produs final de excepție
Echipamente pentru un sunet spectaculos
Hardware de top pentru un produs final de excepție
Echipamente pentru un sunet spectaculos
Filtreaza echipamentele dupa:
Radial Engineering X-Amp
This re-amping device takes creative work in the studio to a new level. Mainly used for adding some grit to a pre-recorded track.
Radial Engineering J48
One of the most advanced active direct boxes on the market. Great for recording bass and guitar assuring a pure sound with no distortion.
Radial Engineering Pro D2
On of the most popular compact stereo direct boxes with two Eclipse ET-DB2 transformers allowing high signal levels without distortion.
Cardioid mic at it’s best. Controlled sonic character. Used mainly for voice, bass guitar or bass-drum.
API 312 Preamp (2)
This wonderful preamp has been around for over 50 years and still living up to it’s reputation.
Great headroom and punch.
SENNheiser MD 421 (2)
Rezistând la niveluri ridicate de presiune sonoră, acest microfon dinamic cardioid este potrivit pentru înregistrarea tobelor, amplificatoarelor de chitară, instrumentelor de suflat din lemn, alămurilor și percuției, printre altele.
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